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Come to think of it. 다시생각해보니





Come to think of it. 다시 생각해보니 

직역하면 그것에 대하 생각이 온다 이고 이것을 편한게 이야기하면

다시생각해보니 라고 해석 한다.


미드나 정말 많이 나오는 문장이고,

꼭 숙지해야 합니다.



A: We have to do our homework! 

   우리 숙제 해야해!

B: Come to think of it,


  We have math homework.

  우리 수학숙제 있네.




A: Comt to think of it, I'm pissed off.

   생각해보니, 열받네

B: come down.



Comt to think of it

Comt to think of it

Comt to think of it

Comt to think of it

Comt to think of it

Comt to think of it




come to think of it