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sounds good 좋은생각이야


Sounds good  좋은 생각이야. 좋은 소리야. 뜻을 갇고 있습니다.


A: Shall we play basketball?

    우리 농구나 할까?

B : That's sounds good!

    그거 좋은 생각이야


A: Will you joing me?

   나랑 같이 할래?

B: That's sounds good!

   좋은 생각이야!



A: Let's go to the amusement park!

   놀이동산에 가자!

B: Sounds good. Than let's have fun!

    좋은소리야. 그럼 재미있게 놀자!




sound 소리 음 음향 

sounds 풍성음



That's sounds good

That's sounds good

That's sounds good

That's sounds good



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